WELCOME TO THE ENGLISH CLASS 😊 ! ! ! Let's remember our class by MEET on August 14th!! (Recordemos nuestra clase por MEET el día 14 de agosto ) CONTENTS (Contenidos) 1. Page 10 Exercises 1 and 2. Vocabulary FOOD : pasta, milk, rice, juice, fruit, bread, egg , vegetables. PREPARATIONS : mashed, fried and baked. MEALS OF THE DAY : breakfast, lunch, tea , dinner. ACTIONS : have breakfast (desayunar) have lunch (almorzar) have tea (tomar once) have dinner (cenar) share (compartir) eat (comer) drink (beber) 2. Page 11 Exercises 3, 4 and 5. "Meals around the world" TEXTO: Meals around the world 3. Answer the questions. 4. Read and Match 5. True / False 3. Page 12 Exercise 1 EXPRESSIONS (expresiones) 1. What do you want? (Que quieres?) 2. Can I have the salad , please? (Puedo servirme la ensalada , por favor? 3. How much is it? (Cuanto cuesta?) 4. please (Por favor